The verdict is in - we all had a good time making Brousse!
Three brave souls played with goat's and sheep's milk this month and created mild and delicate Brousse, perfect for pairing with stronger flavours to complement it.
Andreas of Delta Kitchen found some groovy new cheese moulds online,

and used his sheep's milk Brousse to make a delicious potato cake from a Nigel Slater recipe,
which were like chunky rösti with a polenta crust and oozy cheese inside. Yum!
Foodycat, from the blog of the same name, used her unique and
trusty egg ring, bamboo steamer and cheesecloth contraption as a mould.
"Over a couple of days I ate it drizzled with truffle honey, on toast (with more honey), alongside pears poached in red wine with peppercorns and thyme, on wholewheat crackers with fig and fennel paste, and a sprinkling of red-wine infused salt, on crackers with chopped raw garlic and a sprinkling of Maldon salt."

I made my Brousse, over at
Living in the Kitchen with Puppies, in in my small coeur a la creme moulds, lined with cheesecloth.

I served it with lots of fresh herbs, which were very nice with the delicate goat's cheese, and a sprinkling of Maldon sea salt. I found the cheese, like all cheese, definitely needed salt - next time I'll add salt whether it is the recipe or not.
There we go - three great versions of this fun, delicate, and easy cheese.
Thanks everyone for participating!
A delicious roundup of cheese! I love all the serving ideas.
Nice job everyone! I have to say those potato cakes look downright amazing!
Best one yet I think - certainly worked out the most like I think it was supposed to! But yeah, definitely needs salt.
3 very unique takes on this cheese--everything looks delicious. Can't wait to see what's next! ;-)
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